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SIMore SIMore https://www.simore.com/en/dual-sim-adapter-galaxy-s20-samsung-speed-zx-twin.html

Speed ZX-Twin Galaxy S20

Dual SIM card adapter for Samsung Galaxy S20 - 3G 4G 5G compatible

- Dual SIM adapter

- 2 SIM cards in your Galaxy S20

- Manual or automatic switching

- Super Speed microprocessor

- Shortcut function

- Reinforced membrane


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Regular Price: €44.90

Special Price: €39.90


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DUAL SIM ADAPTER for Samsung Galaxy S20

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  • DUAL SIM ADAPTER for Samsung Galaxy S20
  • Android Dual SIM adapter for Galaxy S20
  • Dual SIM adapter Android for Samsung Galaxy S20

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Dualsim adapter Speed ZX-Twin Galaxy S20 Dual SIM for Samsung Galaxy S20


Speed ZX-Twin Galaxy S20 is a Dual SIM card adapter for Android smartphones Samsung Galaxy S20.

You install and use two SIM cards (nano SIM size) on your Samsung Galaxy S20 mobile phone.

Once inserted into your phone, the SIMore menu appears automatically in your smartphone's main menu to manage your 2 telephone numbers and define your settings.

Call, send and receive your SMS/MMS, access Internet/data with your 2 SIM cards on one and unique Galaxy S20.

For Speed ZX-Twin Galaxy S20 dual SIM adapter, SIMore creates an innovative and unique design for a simple and easy installation.

The device takes place directly into your smartphone slot and your 2 SIM cards slide into the two dedicated adapter's SIM slots.

Together with the latest flexible printed circuit board technologies (Polyimide kapton) that ensure thinness and strength, the new Speed ZX-Twin Galaxy S20 dual SIM adapter design allows, in addition to reinforce the device's membrane, to secure a perfect connection between the SIM cards and your mobile phone.

The Speed ZX-Twin Galaxy S20 adapter includes the new Super Speed microprocessor that allows ultra fast switch between your 2 phone numbers.

Its unique architecture optimizes the performance of the adapter and increases the execution speed of the SIMore menu's processes and applications.

The Dual SIM card adapter Speed ZX-Twin Galaxy S20 includes the shortcut function.

You can bring up the SIMore menu by dialling # 99, or switch between both SIM cards (#11 and #22), directly via your Android smartphone keyboard.

You can switch from one number to the other in two clicks and choose your SIM to make and receive calls, send and receive SMS, and access data and browse Internet.

The Dual SIM Speed ZX-Twin Galaxy S20 adapter allows to name your SIM cards to know which phone number is connected and avoid roaming fees.

Very convenient for travellers, businessmen, or anyone who uses more than one SIM or phone number (professional SIM , private SIM or foreign SIM).





Integrate and use 2 phone numbers on your Samsung Galaxy S20 Android smartphone.

Data and internet access through 4G 5G with both SIMs.

Unique design, super thin and very resistant membrane.

Perfect connection for optimized work.

Simplified installation.

Super Speed microprocessor for ultra fast switch.

Shortcut function for fast use.

Select the SIM card you want to be connected.

Choose to manually switch between your two SIM cards or set an automatic timed SIM switching.

Rename your SIM cards to know which SIM is active.

Avoid international roaming fees.

Separate your business and your private life.



Technical specifications


- 2 nano SIM locations

- Manual switching function

- Automatic switching function

- Polyimide kapton technology

- Super Speed microprocessor

- Shortcut function

- SIM cards naming

- Reset function

- Supports GSM, GPRS, EDGE, CDMA, UMTS, 3G, LTE, 4G, WCDMA, HSDPA, 5G networks

- Color: White





For Android Samsung Galaxy S20 smartphones

The Dual SIM adapter Speed ZX-Twin Galaxy S20 is compatible with all mobile phones providers

Works with all nano SIM cards

Can also be used with Dual SIM phones to have 3 SIM cards on the same mobile





Requires to unsimlock your Galaxy S20 to use SIM cards from two different providers

Some SIM cards need to reboot the phone after the switch

You have to use a protective case compatible with the Galaxy S20 to maintain the dualSIM adapter



Do SIMore Dual SIM cards support a connection with 5G-LTE-4G-UMTS-HSDPA-3G-WCDMA?

SIMore guarantees a connection with 5G-LTE-4G-UMTS-HSDPA-3G-WCDMA for the Speed X, Speed ZX and Speed Xi ranges.
SIMore guarantees a connection with LTE-4G-UMTS-HSDPA-3G-WCDMA for the X-T and DualSim Infinite ranges.
SIMore guarantees a connection with UMTS-HSDPA-3G-WCDMA for the DualSim Platinum ranges.
SIMore guarantees a connection with GSM-GPRS-EDGE for the DualSim Black, Silver and Gold ranges.

Can I receive calls on both SIM cards at the same time with the X-T, DualSim 3G and DualSim 2G adapters?

The current mobile phones are equipped with one transmitter and one receiver, thus they can not simultaneously connect two SIM cards on two different networks.

With this Dual SIM card adapter, you choose which SIM card you want to use (SIM-1 or SIM-2)
If you are connected on SIM-1 and someone calls on SIM-2, the caller will reach your box and may leave a message.
You will be notified of the message when switching on SIM-2.

However, you can activate the automatic function (not available for all adapters) that allows you to switch between your two SIM cards with ease.
You can therefore be quickly notified if you have received a message or a missed call.
Example: 1 hour 35 minutes on SIM 1 and 5 minutes on SIM 2.
Note: the automatic function is not supported by all mobile phones. 

If you need both SIM cards active at the same time, we recommend you the Bluetooth simultaneous adapters.

How to switch from one SIM card to another?

Once the SIMore device is inserted into your mobile, the SIMore menu will automatically appear in the main menu of your phone.
It allows you to manage your numbers and to define your settings.
You can switch from one number to another in just two clicks.

The Speed X, Speed ZX, WX, Platinum and Infinite versions have the shortcut key function to switch from one SIM number to another without going through the SIMore menu.
Example for Speed X, Speed ZX and WX: #11 for SIM-1, #22 for SIM-2, #33 for SIM-3, #44 for SIM-4 and #55 for SIM-5
Example for Platinum and Infinite: # 001 for SIM-1 and # 002 for SIM-2

Where can I find the SIMore menu in my phone?

Once the SIMore device is inserted into your mobile, the SIMore menu will automatically appear in the main menu of your phone.
You'll find the SIMore menu under:
- "Settings > Mobile Data > SIM application" for iPhone new iOS versions
- "Settings > Phone > SIM application" for iPhone
- "Applications" for Samsung
- "Program" for Windows Mobile
- "Main Menu" for Nokia
Call # 99 and then press the green button to launch the call function and the SIMore menu will appear automatically on the screen of your mobile.
Warning: the shortcut key only operates on the DualSim Speed X, Speed ZX, WX-Triple, WX-Five, Platinum and Infinite versions and is not supported by all mobile phones.

Can we go on the Internet and make video conference calls with the SIMore dual SIM card?

Yes, the SIMore dual SIM card X-T 3G/4G/5G and DualSim 3G can go online and make video conference connections via 5G-LTE-4G-UMTS-HSDPA-3G-WCDMA.

Is the original operator menu STK (SIM Tool Kit) still available?

The original operator menu STK (SIM Tool Kit) remains accessible for the SIMore Platinum and Infinite versions.
For versions X-T, Black, Silver, Gold, the STK (SIM Tool Kit) original operator  menu will be replaced by the SIMore device.

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